Protecting Workers in the Service Industry During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Protecting Workers in the Service Industry During the Coronavirus Pandemic

About the Webinar: 

Service workers are essential to the response to COVID-19. Restaurant, grocery, retail, janitorial, delivery, childcare workers and others may be exposed as they interact with many people and spaces. They may also be using stronger chemicals to disinfect these environments. This webinar with the Labor Occupational Health Program will provide information for workers in service industries on how they may be at risk, ways to stay protected, what their employer must do, and workers’ rights to a safe workplace.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify ways you could be exposed to Coronavirus, what your employer must do to protect workers, and what you can do to reduce your risk. 
  2. Identify the health effects of common disinfectants, what your employer must do to protect workers from chemicals, and what you can do to stay safe while cleaning. 
  3. Describe key rights that protect your health and safety at work, and steps you can take if your employer is not protecting you. 


Alejandra Domenzain is Program Coordinator and Suzanne Teran is Associate Director at the Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP), which is part of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. They both focus on addressing immigrant workers’ health and safety and developing effective strategies to improve working conditions. LOHP’s mission is to promote safe, healthy and just workplaces. 


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Cómo Proteger a los Trabajadores Durante la Pandemia del Coronavirus

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