5/20/25: Beyond the Call: Industrial Hygiene Strategies to Protect Emergency Responders

Tuesday, May 20th, 2025

9 - 10 AM HST | 12 PM - 1 PM PT | 2 PM - 3 PM CT | 3 PM - 4 PM ET

Photo of William A. Jetter

About the webinar:

First responders, law enforcement officers, and other public service professionals face unique occupational hazards every day. This webinar will explore how industrial hygiene principles can be used to safeguard those on the frontlines. Participants will explore best practices to reduce exposure risks, improve workplace safety policies, and advocate for stronger protections in high-risk professions.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this activity, the learner will be able to:

  • Identify the key occupational health exposures faced by public safety professionals

  • Analyze the trade-offs between workplace safety and operational effectiveness in these professions
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of current legislative efforts to address health and safety gaps in public service 
  • Compare national and international approaches to worker protections

Speaker: William A. Jetter, PhD

William A. Jetter, Ph.D., is a 47-year fire service veteran and the City Manager of Deer Park, Ohio. He previously served as EMS & Fire Director/Fire Chief of Monroe Township, Assistant Fire Chief of Glendale, and EMS & Fire Director of Sycamore Township. Dr. Jetter is an adjunct faculty member at the National Fire Academy, Ohio Fire Academy, University of Cincinnati, and Cincinnati State. He holds a Ph.D. in Fire Safety Management and certifications in Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials, and Rescue Technology. He has lectured nationally and internationally and authored “Artful Ascension” and “The Little Green Fire Truck”. A Fellow of the Institution of Fire Engineers and Past President of its USA Branch, Dr. Jetter has been nationally recognized for his contributions to fire safety education and emergency response training.


The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health designates this activity for a maximum of 1.0 Contact Hour. Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 12983, for 1.0 contact hour.

Certificates of Completion

Certificates of Completion will be available to webinar participants who are present for the complete, live webinar, and logged in with their registered email address. Call-in attendees are not eligible for certificates at this time - Please download the Zoom app to log in via email on your smartphone whenever possible.

In order to receive your Certificate of Completion, qualified learners must complete the post-webinar evaluation within 7 days of the webinar. A link to the evaluation will be emailed to qualified learners 24 hours after the webinar via no-reply@zoom.us. Qualified learners who submit their evaluation will receive a Certificate of Completion via email, and can also print/save the certificate from their browser after submitting their evaluation.

If you're not able to attend the live presentation, no problem! We record most presentations and will host them on our website provided we have permission to do so. Presentation recordings are not eligible for Certificates of Completion.


If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) to fully participate in this event, please contact Michelle Meyer at (510) 642-8365 or mmeyer@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail) with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 days in advance of the event.

University of Cincinnati Education and Research Center (UC ERC)

University of Cincinnati Education and Research Center

The University of Cincinnati Education and Research Center (UC ERC) serves the regional and national needs in occupational safety and health through interdisciplinary academic education, research training and professional development courses. MS and Ph.D. degrees are offered; a wide range of continuing education courses are available for practicing professionals. Through outreach activities, research findings are shared with practitioners and research is translated to practice.