A new study from Dr. Harris was recently published in the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, titled: Heavy load carrying and musculoskeletal health: An exploratory study of biomechanical risk factors among sand miners in Pokhara, Kaski District, Nepal. Her co-authors include Aybüke Koyuncu, Michael N.Bates, Ziva Petrin, Myles Cope, Sandra I.McCoy, Ndola Prata, and Tula Ram Sijali.
Here are the highlights of the paper:
The effects of heavy load carrying among sand miners are poorly understood.
Sand miners work over 10 h per day carrying loads weighing on average 77 kg
Musculoskeletal disorders were identified using specified case criteria in 38% of miners.
Healthy worker survival effect may make sand mining seem less harmful than it is.
Larger studies examining the adverse effects of load carrying are urgently needed.
You can access the full paper at this link (for limited time only): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169814121001050?dgcid=coauthor