In the early 1990’s the University of California Ergonomics Program, then under the direction of Dr. David Rempel, began offering consulting services as a way to provide service to industry and compliment the work of the research lab and graduate program. Ira Janowitz, Don Morelli and Arlie Stern were the primary consultants working alongside Dr. Rempel, Alan Barr and select graduate students. The team served companies like the American National Standards Institute, City and County of San Francisco, Microsoft Corporation and Blue Cross of Northern California. They worked on a wide variety of projects such as participatory ergonomics programs, interventions for sewing machine operators and analysis of cake-decorating tool design.
In 2016 Dr. Carisa Harris became the new Director of the UCSF/UCB Ergonomics Research & Graduate Training Program and this month she is pleased to welcome Meg Honan and Melissa Afterman to the team of lead consultants along with herself and Alan Barr, the Principal Development Engineer of the Lab. Read more about our faculty and staff here.
The consulting division of the lab is a way to provide outreach to the community and learning opportunities for students. Our services span from simple job analyses to advanced redesign and systems analyses. Our team also works with companies to find ways they can support meaningful research that can be published and advance knowledge in our field
What does the consulting group do?
The services are differentiated by the depth of knowledge on our team that include experts in human factors and ergonomics with specialization in biomechanics, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, environmental health sciences, and medicine/applied health sciences.
Our Tier 1 Human Factors & Ergonomics Services include analyses using semi-quantitative methods, program development and implementation, and custom training.
Our Tier 2 Services utilize research-grade equipment and advanced methods and technology for data precision.

What sets the UC Ergonomics Consulting group apart from other consulting firms?
The UC Ergonomics Lab is part of the University of California which operates as non-profit organization that prioritizes education, research and service to the community. By utilizing the expertise of the UC Ergo Team, you are supporting our ability to help improve the health, well being and productivity of workers now and in the future.
Our consultants are Board Certified Professional Ergonomists (CPEs) with decades of practical consulting experience and UC Ergonomics Research Lab faculty and graduate students using state-of-the-art measurement tools.
UC graduate students with increasing data analysis skills and proficiency with ergonomics measurement tools may assist in project work as part of their academic experience. Employing graduate students as associate ergonomists in our consulting projects provides unique opportunities for hands on learning, increasing their professionalism and readiness upon graduation and raising the overall level of ergonomics practice in industry. Students work with and are mentored by UC faculty and CPE consultants.
Visit our consulting web page for a a full list of our services, details about our testing facilities and equipment.