The 63rd annual Human Factors Ergonomics Society (HFES) international meeting was held the week of October 28th in Seattle, Washington.
The HFES International Annual Meeting is attended by a diverse range of professionals and students, including certified ergonomists, academics, practitioners, and consultants who work in a variety of areas including government, military, hospitals, universities, research institutes, engineering firms, consumer safety laboratories, manufacturing companies and many other areas.
This year, 5 students from the UC Ergonomics Graduate Training Program presented their work:
Nathan Poon presented "Evaluation of a Back Support Exoskeleton for Reducing Muscle Fatigue"
Gourab Kar presented "Evaluating Strategies to Increase Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure in Sit-Stand Workstation Use"
Mengcheng Wang presented "Anthropometric Characteristics of Chinese Auricles for Ergonomic Design"
Guangchuan Li presented "The impact of mouse weight and connection type on muscle activity and performance while gaming"
Federico Arippa presented work on pressure mapping of sitting and in-chair movements with bus drivers in urban areas
And Dr. Carisa Harris chaired a panel about recent findings from the upper limb consortium study, highlighting new approaches to risk assessment and additional health outcomes. She was joined by Alysha Meyers from NIOSH's Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations and Field Studies, Dr. Jay Kapellusch from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Dr. Stephen Bao from Washington State Department of Labor and Industries in Olympia, Washington.