Alejandra was awarded a grant from The Workers Lab for her project Building a Strategic Partnership for OSH Enforcement. The project will connect worker organizations focused on immigrants, low-wage workers, undocumented workers, and people of color who are exposed to health hazards with Cal/OSHA, California’s worker protection enforcement agency.
According to Alejandra, “Too many employers have violated health and safety laws with impunity. This project will test an innovative model that builds worker capacity, voice, and power to make structural change. We will provide training and technical assistance to worker leaders, and convene a coalition of incredible worker organizations to advocate for improved enforcement. We are so thrilled to be a part of this partnership committed to ensuring workers’ rights are respected and their health and safety protected at such a crucial time.”
Learn More:
Alejandra Domenzain | Program Coordinator | Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP)
Alejandra develops projects to address the health and safety of immigrant, low-wage workers in a variety of high-hazard industries. She has expertise in training low-literacy participants, building the capacity of community-based organizations, training of trainers, policy work, strategic enforcement, and qualitative research. She has an MA in Urban Planning and in Latin American Studies from UCLA and a Bachelor’s in Science of Foreign Service from Georgetown University.