Biomechanical and psychosocial exposures are independent risk factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: assessment of confounding using causal diagrams

C Harris Adamson
EA Eisen
J Kapellusch
A Garg
K Hegmann
MS Thiese
AM Dale
B Evanoff
S Burt
S Bao
B Silverstein
L Merlino
F Gerr
D Rempel
Publication date: 
January 1, 2016
Publication type: 
Journal Articles
Harris-Adamson C, Eisen EA, Kapellusch J, Garg A, Hegmann K, Thiese MS, Dale AM, Evanoff B, Burt S, Bao S, Silverstein B, Merlino L, Gerr F, Rempel D. Biomechanical and psychosocial exposures are independent risk factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: assessment of confounding using causal diagrams. Occup & Environ Medicine 2016; 73(11):727-734. PMID:27466616.