Core Program Faculty & Staff

Carisa Harris, PhD, CPE

Director of COEH | Director of UCSF/UCB Ergonomics Graduate Training Program | STEER Director

Associate Professor and Director Carisa Harris Adamson, PhD, CPE is the primary graduate advisor for M.S., MPH and Ph.D. students; approximately 50% of her time is directly involved in teaching and mentoring (e.g. courses, oversight of graduate students' research projects, mentoring field/clinical internships etc). She is a Faculty Member in the Department of Medicine at University of California San Francisco with a...

Mark Nicas, PhD, MPH, CIH

Emeritus, Adjunct Professor - Environmental Health Sciences

Elizabeth Noth, PhD, CIH

Industrial Hygiene

As Director of the Industrial Hygiene program in the Northern California NIOSH Education and Research Center at the Northern California Center of Occupational and Environmental Health, I provide leadership in mentoring, teaching and research opportunities to student trainees in our program. My background as an exposure assessment scientist with over 20 years of experience in air pollution exposure assessment for both occupational and environmental research studies well prepared me to provide scientific and professional mentorship. My own research has focused on air pollution...

Megan Schwarzman, MD, MPH

Associate Project Scientist and Lecturer - Environmental Health Sciences