Impairment and Disability Evaluations. I. Psychosocial, Economic, and Medicolegal Aspects


Book chapter in Asthma in the Workplace

Lavoie, Kim
Katelynn Dodd
Jacek Mazurek
Philip Harber
Sheiphali A. Gandhi
Paul Blanc
Kjell Toren
Jean-Luc Malo
Publication date: 
September 13, 2021
Publication type: 
Book Chapters
Lavoie, K. L., Dodd, K. E., Mazurek, J. M., Harber, P., Gandhi, S., Blanc, P. D., ... & Malo, J. L. (2021). Impairment and Disability Evaluations: I. Psychosocial, Economic, and Medicolegal Aspects. In Asthma in the Workplace (pp. 123-136). CRC Press.