Ergonomics Certificate Program

Why does the program include 6 courses?

We took all of the core content requirements outlined by leading professional certification authorities and mapped them to the 6 courses we designed. This ensures that you will have been exposed to all of the content you will be assessed on during your certification exam.

Why do the courses cost $1650 each?

If you compare the cost of this course to a course taken at a University, you will quickly see that the $1650 price tag is an incredible deal. Our goal is to provide education that is accessible from anywhere at any time yet does not compromise on the quality of instruction. The only way to reduce costs further would be to post the material online and eliminate the instructor-led features of this course. However, most online courses have a very low completion rate. Our instructors will be available to teach you the material through lectures, thoughtful discussion, and feedback on...

How do these courses differ from typical online education courses?

These courses are more analogous to a University course than your typical online education course primarily due to the scope and depth of the material presented and the guidance and interaction offered by instructors. Most online courses present content but do not have an instructor that holds office hours, is available to answer your questions, and provides feedback on assignments and assessments (quizzes and exams). Think of this as taking a University course with all that a college course has to offer, but in the comfort of your own home or office (and without the Bay Area commute...

How do these courses differ from typical University courses in Human Factors & Ergonomics?

From a curricular or content perspective, they don’t. However, since they are not offered for credit toward a degree, these courses may not be used towards a Masters or PhD Degree.

How much time will I need to spend each week?

They typical amount of time required to complete this course will range between 10-15 hours of time. There will be 3-4 hours of lecture material per week, 2-4 hours of reading material, 1-2 hours spent on discussion boards/communication with students and instructor, and 2-5 hours per week spent on assignments and projects. Remember the content from each course covers material presented in a typical semester course.