Human Factors and Ergonomics

Become an Ergonomist with Meg Honan

Meg Honan is a consulting ergonomist for the UC Ergonomics Laboratory and course instructor. She was the Ergonomics Program Manager for Genentech’s South San Francisco site until 2018, where she engaged leadership at all levels, and interdisciplinary teams through participatory ergonomics.

06/21/2023: Aspects of Backpack Vacuum Use: Evaluation of Carriage Location and Sweeping Technique

About the webinar:

Informed by field observations as part of the Washington State Janitor Workload Study, this follow-up study aims to enhance our understanding of the backpack vacuum. This common tool among professional custodians and janitors can lead to bodily discomfort in the shoulders during use. Three factors were evaluated in this laboratory experiment: the location of the backpack vacuum on the back (L3, T12, and T7), sweeping technique (front-to-back and side-to-side), and a new vacuum head design. Professional and novice vacuum users were recruited to...

05/31/2023: BCPE Certification Guidance for Aspiring Ergonomics Professionals

About the webinar:

Have you wondered if professional certification in ergonomics makes sense for you and your career path? What is the difference between course specific certificates and professional certification? Do you know you want to pursue certification but feel unsure about next steps or how to submit your education and work experience information? In this overview of BCPE certification, we’ll answer these questions and more. We’ll also review resources such as accepted educational experience for application submission and practice exam questions!

05/17/23: The Impact of Precarious Work and Psychosocial Stress on Physical and Mental Health of California Janitors

About the webinar:

Janitors are essential workers, employed as caretakers of public spaces like business offices, airports, and shopping malls. Despite playing a critical role in the economy, janitors are some of the most vulnerable workers in the service industry. Often immigrants and non-English speakers, they make relatively low wages while performing physically demanding work, which is associated with the development of musculoskeletal disorders. This webinar presents a cross-sectional survey study of Californian janitors in 2022, which investigates the impact of precarious work...

02/03/2023 - 02/04/2023 - COEH Builds Bridges: Algorithm Based Work, Wearables, and Surveillance

Friday, February 3 - Saturday, February 4, 2023 | Sacramento, CA

Join COEH for a conversation on the impact and future of data-driven technologies in the workplace. We will discuss how data is collected and used in the workplace; the intersection of humans, robots, and artificial intelligence; and ethical considerations, including how algorithms can reinforce discrimination and erode worker privacy. We will also explore the role of wearables in reducing musculoskeletal injuries, and how human-centered design of textile-based wearable products can improve health and

Professional Certification


This program includes six eight-week courses, designed specifically to prepare individuals for certification by the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (link is external) (BCPE). Courses can also be used to demonstrate competency and fulfill educational requirements by the...

Work Vehicle Safety: Eliminating Hazardous Activities While Safely Improving Productivity

About the Webinar:

There is high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and fall injuries among employees in work vehicle environments, yet little attention is given to understanding why. Effective ergonomic interventions can lower the physical demands of work tasks, thereby lowering the incidence and severity of associated MSDs. Reducing injury related costs alone make ergonomic interventions a useful tool for improving a company’s productivity and overall business competitiveness. Preventing injuries by improving access to objects stored in a vehicle requires rethinking...

06/15/2022: Ergonomics for Total Worker Health®: What is the Current State of Knowledge?

About the webinar:

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) introduced a system-oriented Total Worker Health® (TWH) approach in 2011 to address the traditional and the emerging risks of the modern workplace. While the scientific evidence for TWH is still nascent and evolving, various ergonomics models, interventions and programs have been tested and implemented as part of a TWH approach. As a discipline concerned with designing people-centered systems to optimize human well-being and overall performance, ergonomics has a lot to offer to advance TWH research...

05/25/2022: Differences in the Association Between the 2018 ACGIH TLV for Hand Activity and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by Sex and Age

About the webinar:

The recently revised ACGIH TLV for Hand Activity (TLV2018) is a widely used tool for assessing risk for upper limb musculoskeletal disorders.This webinar will explore findings from an analysis comparing the strength of the exposure-response relationships between the TLV2018 and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) between men and women and across age strata. Heterogeneity of the effect size by sex or age would be important to specialists using the method for prevention of CTS among working populations.

03/16/22 - Common Musculoskeletal Injuries and Their Relationship with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors

About the webinar: Recent evidence has suggested potential associations between cardiovascular disease risk factors and common musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This presentation will review prospective cohort evidence of the linkages between three MSDs linked to cardiovascular disease risk factors, and quantify the magnitudes of these associations.