Industrial Hygiene

UCLA UCI Cal/OSHA Safety Update Series

About the webinars: The University of California Los Angeles invites you to join the UCLA UCI Southern California NIOSH Education and Research Center for their free monthly webinar series on California OSHA Safety Updates. Presented by OSHA Authorized Trainer and ERC Course Director Alba Vazquez, this series will discuss safety updates and how to be compliant with Cal/OSHA. This series will be hosted the first Friday of every month, unless noted.

12/13/22: E-Cigarette Aerosol Exposure: Select BioMarkers in Vape Shop Workers

About the webinar:

Vape shops are currently exempt from smoke-free workplace regulations in California, putting vape shop workers at risk of repeated occupational exposure to e-cigarette (e-cig) aerosols. During this webinar, learners will explore select biomarkers including cotinine, a marker for nicotine as a tracer for e-cig aerosol, and markers of oxidative stress (8-OHdG, 8-isoprostane (8-iso)), system inflammation (human C-reactive protein (CRP)), metal toxicity and antioxidant activity (metallothionein (MT)) quantified in urine samples from thirty vape shop workers. Urine samples...

11/08/22: Assessment of Chemotherapy Drugs in Occupational Settings

About the webinar:

The American Cancer Society estimated there would be more than 1.8 million new cancer cases diagnosed in 2020, an increase of 55% over the last 15 years. This correlates with an expected 58 million patient oncology clinic visits in the United States. The increase in cancer incidence and patients undergoing chemotherapy has exacerbated the need for oncology technicians to administer treatment and patient caregivers to act as a support system. Cancer is also the leading cause of death in dogs, with an estimated 1 in 3 dogs developing the disease. Similar to cancer...

10/11/22: Fine Particulate Matter Exposure from Secondhand Cannabis Bong Smoking

About the webinar:

Secondhand cannabis smoke (SHCS) is a novel exposure source uncharacterized in homes, containing known health risk factors including exposure to several hundred toxic chemicals, carcinogens, and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), many at higher concentrations than tobacco smoke. Decades of secondhand tobacco smoke (SHTS) research demonstrate causal links to cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, preterm birth, and decreased immune function. These concerns have not translated to cannabis bong smoking, a popular consumption method in social settings among...

09/13/22: Understanding COVID-19 Among Industrial Livestock Operation Workers: Salivary Bio-markers & Mixed Method Approaches

About the webinar:

Industrial livestock operations (ILOs), particularly livestock processing facilities, emerged as centers of COVID-19 outbreaks across the United States in early spring of 2020. In collaboration with a North Carolina community organization, we conducted a prospective cohort study of ILO workers, their household members, and community residents in metropolitan areas of North Carolina to compare SARS-CoV-2 infection and antibody levels. Higher levels of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibody, which suggests recent COVID-19 infection, were present among ILO workers and...

08/09/22: Investigating Air Changes Per Hour: Outside Air, MERV, & HEPA - Does it Add Up?

About the webinar:

Air changes per hour (ACH) is the number of times the total air volume in a room or space is completely removed and replaced over the course of one hour. ACH has long been used as a metric to determine how protective ventilation is for spaces like laboratories, TB clinics, airborne infection isolation rooms, and more. In organizations that have used a multi-layered approach to mitigate COVID-19 transmission throughout the pandemic, with a combined population of more than 20,000 employees, COVID-19 transmission has predominantly been traced back to workplaces with an ACH...