Industrial Hygiene

09/13/22: Understanding COVID-19 Among Industrial Livestock Operation Workers: Salivary Bio-markers & Mixed Method Approaches

About the webinar:

Industrial livestock operations (ILOs), particularly livestock processing facilities, emerged as centers of COVID-19 outbreaks across the United States in early spring of 2020. In collaboration with a North Carolina community organization, we conducted a prospective cohort study of ILO workers, their household members, and community residents in metropolitan areas of North Carolina to compare SARS-CoV-2 infection and antibody levels. Higher levels of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibody, which suggests recent COVID-19 infection, were present among ILO workers and...

08/09/22: Investigating Air Changes Per Hour: Outside Air, MERV, & HEPA - Does it Add Up?

About the webinar:

Air changes per hour (ACH) is the number of times the total air volume in a room or space is completely removed and replaced over the course of one hour. ACH has long been used as a metric to determine how protective ventilation is for spaces like laboratories, TB clinics, airborne infection isolation rooms, and more. In organizations that have used a multi-layered approach to mitigate COVID-19 transmission throughout the pandemic, with a combined population of more than 20,000 employees, COVID-19 transmission has predominantly been traced back to workplaces with an ACH...