Industrial Hygiene

The Key Characteristics of Carcinogens: Relationship to the Hallmarks of Cancer, Relevant Biomarkers, and Assays to Measure Them

Smith MT
Guyton KZ
Kleinstreuer N
Borrel A
Cardenas A
Chiu WA
Felsher DW
Gibbons CF
Goodson WH 3rd
Houck KA
Kane AB
La Merrill MA
Lebrec H
Lowe L
McHale CM
Minocherhomji S
Rieswijk L
Sandy MS
Sone H
Wang A
Zhang L
Zeise L
Fielden M


Ch. 7: Gases, Vapors and Solvents

Hammond SK
Liu S

Book chapter in Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene

Domestic workers in CA and their access to workers’ compensation

Veronica Ponce de Leon

Presentation at the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia