Industrial Hygiene

Lanzhou Air Pollution Project - Where we are now?

Katharine Hammond

Lanzhou Research Workshop School of Public Health, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, P. R. China

Neighborhood Physical and Social Attributes by Systemic Social Observation and Asthma Emergency Department Visits

M Ye
A Andrade
A Munoz Vera
S Obasi
E Guzman
E Gonzalez
C Rayon
S Madriz
J Hernandez
R De La Rosa
R Morello-Frosch
E Noth
SK Hammond
MT Smith
J Balmes
R Cohen
N Thakur

Poster presentation for ENVIRONMENTAL ASTHMA / Thematic Poster Session

Cohort Profile: The American Manufacturing Cohort (AMC) study

Elser H
Neophytou AM
Tribett E
Galusha D
Modrek S
Noth EM
Meausoone V
Eisen EA
Cantley LF
Cullen MR


PFAS Removal Strategies During Carpet Recycling

Michael Kado
Ned Antell
Andrew Cullen

Report to California Department of Toxic Substances Control