Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing Program

Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing Program (UCSF)

The OEHN program prepares graduates to identify work environment health hazards and propose appropriate control strategies; design, implement and evaluate work health programs; identify research questions from OEHN practice; and other work central to OEHN service activities.

Association of Occupational Stress with Tinnitus Among Career Firefighters in the United States

Rachel Odes
Dal Lae Chin
Jian Li
OiSaeng Hong

Objective: This study explores the relationship between occupational stress and tinnitus among firefighters, a group often exposed to two tinnitus risk factors: high stress and noise.

Methods: This cross-sectional study includes 240 firefighters in the United States. Data describing demographic characteristics, occupational stress, noise exposure, and tinnitus were collected by survey. Occupational stress was measured using the short version of the Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire.

Results: Forty-three percent of...