Vulnerable Workers

Occupational Exposures

Distribution of working hour characteristics by race, age, gender, and shift schedule among U.S. manufacturing workers

Shift work is a common occupational exposure, however, few studies have examined rotational patterns or weekend work, which may contribute to poor health through disruption of the body’s circadian rhythms.This report identifies the co-occurrence of different working hour characteristics classified by domains of shift type, duration, intensity, rotation pattern, and social aspects of working time in a cohort of light metal manufacturing workers. 

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Underreporting of work-related low back pain among registered nurses: A mixed method study

Identifying and addressing work-related health problems early is crucial, but workers often perceive barriers in reporting these to management. This study investigates the factors associated with nurses' reporting of work-related low back pain to their managers and explored the reasons why nurses with patient handling injuries did not report them.

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Depression, anixety, and burnout among hospital workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study

Healthcare personnel have faced unprecedented mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Assessment of mental health including depression, anxiety, and burnout is critical to inform policies and workplace interventions. This study assesses differences in depression, anxiety, and burnout among healthcare personnel with various occupational roles and whether financial and job strain were associated with these mental health outcomes.

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Workplace Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Beliefs and Myth Acceptance Among Hispanic and Indigenous Farmworkers in California (USA) and Michoacán (Mexico)

Workplace sexual harassment (WSH) of women farmworkers is extremely prevalent in agriculture and surpasses levels among other occupational groups.This study is first to evaluate WSH myth acceptance among both men and women agricultural workers in the USA and Mexico. This study supports the agricultural community, educators, researchers, and organizations working to prevent and respond to WSH.

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