Work Organization and Work Arrangements

Work Environment & Accomodations

Comparison of the Observer, Single-Frame Video and Computer Vision Hand Activity Levels 

The ACGIH Hand Activity Level (HAL) was obtained for 419 industrial tasks using three methods: observation, calculated using single-frame video analysis and computer vision. The computer vision methodology produced results that were comparable to single-frame video analysis.

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Impact of Seat Material on Comfort, Preference and Performance During Computer-Based Tasks over a Prolonged Bout of Sitting

Prolonged sitting time is associated with negative health outcomes, including physical discomfort. Chair design affects seat posture, micro-movement, and pressure distribution, which impacts the user experience. This study investigated the impact of mesh versus foam material, on comfort, preference, and subjective performance. 

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Exploring the characteristics and health outcomes of working from home: Analysis of 2021 California Health Interview Survey data

The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic saw many United States employees transition to working from home (WFH), which has persisted in various job sectors and significantly impacted employees. However, its effects on health behaviors and mental health have remained unclear. This study explores the characteristics and health outcomes of, and health-related differences between, WFH and not-WFH groups.

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