Human Factors & Ergonomics Program

Background image: business people developers and designers working together with computers touch screen devices and robots.

Our Mission

Through research, education and community outreach, we aim to understand the mechanisms leading to Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs), then identify and evaluate equipment designs and work practices that reduce the risk of WRMSDs and contribute to the health and wellbeing of workers, while optimizing their performance.

Brandon (Sean) Phillips named Student of the Year at the Applied Ergonomics Conference

Brandon (Sean) Phillips named Student of the Year at the Applied Ergonomics Conference

Isaiah Barajas-Smith uses Xsens for exoskeleton research

Isaiah Barajas-Smith uses Xsens for exoskeleton research

Aman Mehrota learns how to use EMG for tool design

Aman Mehrota learns how to use EMG for tool design

Students kick off the semester on The Bay

Students kick off the semester on The Bay

One of a Kind

UC Ergonomics Lab Overview Video