Erika Garcia: University of California’s M. Donald Whorton Writing Award
Kathleen Navarro: 2016 American Industrial Hygiene Association, Environmental Issues Committee - Best Student Poster
Kathleen Navarro: 2016 American Industrial Hygiene Association, Incident Preparedness Response Working Group - Best Student Poster
Dr. Sheiphali Gandhi: Despite steep declines in asbestos usage since the 1970s, the burden of mesothelioma within the United States has not decreased proportionately. TRT and OEM resident graduate, Dr. Sheiphali Gandhi received two NRSA grants to conduct a case-control study to determine the non-occupational exposures to asbestos utilizing a novel case ascertainment strategy through an innovative collaboration between the California Department of Public Health Occupational Health Branch and the California Cancer Registry. Dr. Gandhi received the NRSA T32 Postdoctoral training in tobacco control award and successfully competed for an NRSA F32 titled "The MesoCase Study: Mesothelioma Case-Control and Rapid Case Ascertainment Study"