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Please note: Certificates of Completion are only available for live webinar participants.
H5N1 Avian Influenza has broken all the rules and now impacts dairy production and dairy workers in addition to poultry. This presentation will provide an update on what we know about this virus, what harm prevention and health promotion activities exist (or could exist
...Read more about 3/26/2025: H5N1 Avian Influenza: Considerations for Total Worker Health Approaches to ResponseThis presentation will explore some of the machine learning and natural language processing approaches for analyzing noisy injury narratives collected from hospital emergency rooms and for identifying emerging product injuries from online data sources. Learners will also
...Read more about 3/19/2025: Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Applications in Injury Surveillance and PreventionMuseum staff and management must protect the health of employees, volunteers, and the public. This talk will focus on health risks arising from exposures to older pesticides and from silica dust. When museums return tribal cultural artifacts to native communities, they
...Read more about 03/11/2025: Museum Health & Safety: A Focus on Pesticides and Silica DustAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global threat and reality, accounting for excessive (and growing) morbidity, mortality, and economic costs. This presentation will describe the major resistant pathogens, their epidemiology, clinical and economic impacts, and the
...Read more about 02/26/2025: The Ongoing Threat and Challenges of Antimicrobial ResistanceJanitorial work is labor-intensive. It involves a diverse range of tasks that expose workers to physical ergonomic risk factors like repetitive forceful hand exertions and moving heavy objects. Previous studies have reported on the high workloads and prevalence of work-
...Read more about 02/19/2025: The California Janitor Workload Study: A Time Study and Physical Risk Assessment of Common Janitorial TasksCarceral settings provide different challenges for climate-related hazards and require different solutions. Learners will explore some of the occupational and environmental hazards people who live and work in carceral settings contend with, identify potential mitigation...Read more about 02/11/2025: Climate Change and Incarcerated Populations: Carceral Settings and Occupational/Environmental Hazards